‘Illuminate’ by Aimee Agresti

Illuminate by Aimee Agresti Harcourt Children’s Books 511 pages Pub. Date:   March 6, 2012 Book received from:  Publisher _____________________________________ Genre:  YA Fantasy Series:  Gilded Wings #1 Cover:  This is what drew me to the book at first.  I think it is gorgeous, and it actually shimmers a bit. Characters:  Well-developed and easy to understand their […]

GIVEAWAY: Prom Book Pack + The Magic of a Teenage Party

Well, the prom season is upon us once again, and begs the question: Why?  Why do we, year after year, encourage our highschoolers to spend exorbitant amounts of money on dresses, tuxes, hair and makeup, corsages, limos, and the obligatory dinner?  It would seem that we are raised with the idea of achieving a fairytale […]