Book Tour & GIVEAWAY: ‘Equal of the Sun’ by Anita Amirrezvani

Equal of the Sun

by Anita Amirrezvani


Pub. Date:   June 5, 2012

Book received from: Publisher via TLC Book Tours


Writers of historical fiction often times tend to deliver stories about time periods that readers are more familiar with, and which are more easily able to be researched.  There is nothing wrong with this approach at all, but when a novel comes along that breaks out of those boxes, it is very refreshing and leads to a more intriguing read.  Equal of the Sun is definitely a story that stands out by focusing on 16th century Iran, or Persia, a period with which most readers are not surprisingly unfamiliar.

Amirrezvani tells the story of Princess Pari Khan Khanoom Safavi, strong-willed heroine who had an unprecedented position of power for her time.  She did not back down when those around her thought she should, and she was at the epicenter of the workings of the state.  What is very interesting about this story is the voice of the narrator, Javaher, a eunuch who served as her adviser and servant.  While it would have been perhaps easier to write from Pari’s perspective, the author saw the importance of giving voice to one who would otherwise never be heard- and it certainly pays off in the end.

Equal of the Sun is a bit slow and dry in some parts, and the writing style does not always flow.  There are also times that all the names and connections tend to slow down the reading process, trying to figure out the pronunciations and relationships.  However, all this is overshadowed by the intriguing story of the world of politics in Iran at the time.  It serves up as much drama as Tudor-era England, but from a time and place that is not so well known.  Amirrezvani is a unique voice in historical fiction, and presents an interesting perspective with a flair for the dramatic.  If you are a bit tired of the normal historical fiction, Equal of the Sun will keep you turning the pages and learning about an intriguing world.


Scribner has generously offered a copy of ‘Equal of the Sun’ for one lucky reader.  To be entered, simply comment below & tell me what is your favorite historical period to read about, with your e-mail address in the comment.  
Must be at least 13-years-old and live in the US/CAN.  I will pick a winner by random July 6, 2012.


Check out the entire blog tour calendar.

‘Equal of the Sun’ can be purchased at, as well as your local independent bookseller.

For more about Anita Amirrezvani, go to her website here.

14 thoughts on “Book Tour & GIVEAWAY: ‘Equal of the Sun’ by Anita Amirrezvani

  1. Thanks for this amazing giveaway! This book sounds great and I would love to win it! I like reading about all time periods but especially Tudor-era England and Britain during the time of Boudica (AD 60).

    susanw28 (at) mindspring (dot) com

    • That Asian history is difficult for me to get into for some reason, but there sure is a lot to know about, and it is very interesting. Thanks for visiting!

  2. Pingback: Book Promo & GIVEAWAY: ‘Equal of the Sun’ by anita Amirrezvani | Twisting the Lens

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