Book Tour & GIVEAWAY: ‘The Age of Miracles’ by Karen Thompson Walker

The Age of Miracles

by Karen Thompson Walker

Random House

Pub. Date:   June 26, 2012

Book received from: Publisher via TLC Book Tours


The Age of Miracles is being lauded as one of the best books of the year by nearly every critic and literary reviewer.   After a feisty bidding war for the publishing rights, Random House won out with a reportedly one million dollar publishing deal, as well as a movie option.  With so much riding on this book, is Walker able to deliver a work that is worthy of such a mighty sum?   The answer, simply, is:  yes, indeed.

The story follows 11-year-old Julia through the discovery that the earth is slowing its rotation, creating longer and longer days as the book unfolds.  With some declaring end times and apocalypses, others are determined to live their lives as though there is no change at all.  What becomes clear throughout is that even though the days may be longer, life still moves at a certain pace, and the connections that are made are still what holds it all together.

That may sound like a somewhat simple synopsis, but this story, although quietly told, is anything but simple.  Walker has a way of writing that brings to mind Jeffery Eugenides , Jeanette Winterson, and Alice Sebold.  There is a story that is being told, but the impact and beauty is in the details within.  With an evenly paced, quiet tone, it is clear that young Julia must learn to adapt to all the changes in her world, regardless of how long the nights may be.  By the end of the story, it becomes evident that it is not the earthquakes in one’s life that define them, but rather how one goes about picking up the pieces.

The Age of Miracles is a love story, but there is no real romance.  It is about the connections we make in life, about letting go of everything you thought you knew, about adapting to the world around you.  It is about the ordinary hidden in the chaos of the extraordinary.  It is about one girl’s life in the midst of it all.  Walker delivers a story that is full of imagination, yet firmly grounded in the realities of everyday life.  If there is one book that you should not miss this year, The Age of Miracles is it.


Random House has generously offered a copy of ‘The Age of Miracles’ for one lucky reader.  To be entered, simply comment below & tell me what your favorite book has been this year thus far, with your e-mail address in the comment.  
Must be at least 13-years-old and live in the US/CAN.  I will pick a winner by random June 30, 2012.



Check out the entire blog tour calendar.

‘The Age of Miracles’ can be purchased at, as well as your local independent bookseller.

For more about Karen Thompson Walker, go to her website here.

22 thoughts on “Book Tour & GIVEAWAY: ‘The Age of Miracles’ by Karen Thompson Walker

  1. My favorite book so far this year has been Prince Charming Must Die by Isabella Fontaine. It’s part of the Grimm Chronicles (YA) and its been really good series so far!

    • Yes! I do enjoy Gabaldon’s work. I have only made it through the first two books in the Outlander series, as they are quite hefty. However, one day I may be able to finish!

  2. My favorite book so far this year has been “Tricked” by Kevin Hearne!

    Thanks for another amazing giveaway!
    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

  3. I just read another review of this book! Very excited to read it! I’ve only read a couple books that actually came out this year. Stilltrying to catch up on a few years worth of reading after having babies! I read Divergent and City of Lost Souls both of which are great!

  4. Thanks for this amazing giveaway – I would love to win! My faves so far have been Cinder by Marissa Meyer and The Wind Through the Keyhole by Stephen King!

    susanw28 (at) mindspring (dot) com

  5. Thank you for your review (and the giveaway!)
    I’ve been hearing a lot of buzz for The Age of Miracles, along with a lot of mixed reviews..but since you seem to love it so much in your review, I definitely wouldn’t want to miss out on this great novel!
    And a million dollar publishing deal?!!? Now that has piqued my interest!

    One of my favorite reads this year was Anna Sheehan’s Long, Long Sleep. Anna takes YA lit to a whole new level, and I need another novel by her, pronto.
    and because I can’t resist just listing one title: Chuck Klosterman’s The Visible Man was a very thought=provoking read as well!
    Lilian @ A Novel Toybox

  6. My favorite so far this year (that was published this year) was Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn! Also loved The Fault in Our Stars, but that wasn’t published this yr. Currently reading Wild by Cheryl Strayed. It’s terrific!

    Great review, Jaime! Thank you for being on the tour!

  7. My favorite so far this year is probably The Passage by Justin Cronin. I also loved Edge of Dark Water by Joe R. Lansdale and The Virgin Cure by Ami McKay. Thanks for the giveaway!

    nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

  8. My favorite book this year has been Bridge of Scarlet Leaves by Kristina McMorris. I really found just how much I enjoy WWII historic fiction. There are a few books I’m really hearing great things like The Unfinished Work of Elizabeth D and Gone Girl (I really want that one!).

    I also just finished Dare Me by Megan Abbott, in some ways this is my favorite. It’s more my favorite in a dark way–if that makes any sense. It’s very well written–authentic voice.

    Thanks for the giveaway

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